Living Room

"Living Room" is an audiovisual journey that melds the nostalgic tones of the 1990s with the innovative edge of today's music. Inspired by the distinct styles of Toro Y Moi, Tycho, Tame Impala, and Charli XCX, this instrumental album redefines the boundaries of music through its genre, "Futurewave Aesthetics".

Born from the evolution of music mediums—from vinyl and cassettes to digital streaming—"Living Room" reflects the technological advancements that have shaped music creation and consumption. The project transitions from the simplicity of linking cassette decks to harnessing the limitless potential of digital workstations, illustrating the journey from analog to digital.

Each track is accompanied by visuals inspired by "retro future" aesthetics, turning the album into a comprehensive audiovisual experience. These visuals complement the music, enhancing the ambiance and immersing the listener in a multi-sensory realm.

"Living Room" serves as an invitation to create a personal space of relaxation and reflection in today's fast-paced world. It's about finding a moment of peace amidst the chaos—a literal and figurative 'living room' for the mind and soul. This album is not just a collection of songs; it's a sanctuary, a space to breathe and experience the intersection of past, present, and future.


Savage Gordon


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